Seleukid Kings, Antiochos VIII (121/0-97/6 BC). AR Tetradrachm (28mm, 11.87g). Antioch on the Orontes, c. 121/0-113 BC. Diademed head r. R/ Zeus Ouranios, draped, standing l., holding star and sceptre; to outer l., IE above A; A to inner right. SC 2298.2f; HGC 9, 1197e. Good VF
€ 80,00
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Live auction 304

Greek, Roman and Byzantine Coins

Prague, thu 20 - fri 21 June 2024
FIRST SESSION    20/06/2024   Hours 02:00 pm  
Lots 1/491
SECOND SESSION    21/06/2024   Hours 02:00 pm  
Lots 492/1004