Constantine I (307/310-337). Æ Follis (18mm, 3.24g).

Constantine I (307/310-337). Æ Follis (18mm, 3.24g). Thessalonica, 318-9. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust l., holding spear over shoulder. R/ VOT XX/MVLT/·XXX· in three lines; TS•Γ• below; all within wreath. RIC VII 32. Rare, Good Fine
€ 10,00
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Live auction 304

Greek, Roman and Byzantine Coins

Prague, thu 20 - fri 21 June 2024
FIRST SESSION    20/06/2024   Hours 02:00 pm  
Lots 1/491
SECOND SESSION    21/06/2024   Hours 02:00 pm  
Lots 492/1004